M&IS 44062-001 Supply Chain Management
Examination I – Fall 2015
Dr. A. L. Guiffrida
1) The exam is open book, open notes.
2) In completing the examination, students may work individually or in groups. If working in a
group the maximum group size is five students. For a group examination submission, submit one
examination solution document for the group with the names and emails addresses of each group
member identified. All students in the group will receive the grade that is assigned to the single
examination solution document that is submitted.
3) Examination solution documents may be submitted in either hardcopy or electronic form.
Hardcopy: submit your hard copy in the lecture classroom at 5:30 PM on Monday November 2,
2015 or submit your hard copy during my office hours on Monday November 2, 2015 from 4:30
– 5:30 PM at my office A411.
Electronic copy: submit as a PDF file to my email [email protected] by 5:30 PM on Monday
November 2, 2015.
Hardcopy and electronic copy answer submission documents must have the following cover
M&IS 44062-001 Supply Chain Management
Examination I – Fall 2015
Dr. A. L. Guiffrida
Submitted by
Name; email address
(If a group submission please list names & emails vertically)
4) Your examination solution document must be typed. When answering a question clearly label
the question number in your answer submission document.
5) The points per question are listed for each question.
6) You do not need to submit any supporting Excel files that you constructed in answering a
given examination question – just present your solution results. Be sure to keep a permanent
copy of all Excel files you created in answering questions for your future reference and for
consideration for partial credit.
Question 1 (40 points)
In your role as the supply chain analyst in your firm, you are responsible for the delivery
performance of three product lines that are sold to a downstream customer. The product lines are
named Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3 and historical data on the past fifty deliveries for each product
line is found in the Excel file Delivery Data for Question 1. Assume that the delivery times are
referenced from a delivery start date of zero and that in any given future time period an equal
number of deliveries of each product line will be made to the customer.
The downstream customer (who commands all the power in the supply chain) has imposed on
your firm delivery requirements in the form of a delivery window with financial penalties for
early and late delivery.
The customer imposed delivery requirements that you will have to operate under are:
Date Effective: June 1, 2016
W_E = 14 days; W_L = 17 days; C_E = $500 per day early; C_L = $2500 per day late.
Date Effective: June 1, 2017
W_E = 15 days; W_L = 16 days; C_E = $1000 per day early; C_L = $5000 per day late.
Prepare an analysis for your supply chain manager as to the impacts of the impending delivery
windows and financial penalties. Remember, managers do not like to read voluminous pages of
verbal discussion concerning an analysis. Instead, they prefer to read short paragraphs explaining
the key concerns and main points of the analysis with tables and graphs/figures illustrating and
visually supporting the key information within the analysis.
In your analysis:
– Prepare a set of tables and supporting graphs/figures which demonstrate how, based on
the historical delivery performance of product lines 1, 2 and 3, the level of delivery
performance that would result under the customer’s stated June 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017
delivery requirements if no improvement in current delivery performance is made. Use
the following two delivery KPIs: i) the on time delivery fulfillment KPI, and ii) the Total
Expected Cost (TEC) KPI as the basis of your analysis.
– Prioritize by product line the order in which you direct continuous improvement activities
to meet the impending customer delivery requirements and provide justification as to how
you selected the order.
Remember: all tables must have titles and subheading descriptions; all graphs/figure must have
titles, legends and each axis labeled in meaningful units.
Question 2 is on the next page.
Question 2 (30 points)
The capacity feasible revised Master Schedule and Bill of Materials for the end item Wooden
Table are presented below.
Master Schedule for Wooden Kitchen Table (weeks 9 through 16)
Week 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Units of End
Wooden Table
150 0 250 180 0 0 160 145
Bill of Materials for Wooden Table
The raw material requirements to manufacture one unit of each part of the Wooden Table are:
Part Number of board feet
per unit
Type of wood Weight in pounds per board foot
T225 10.0 Ash 3.4
C712 3.6 Pine 2.2
G701 4.8 Pine 2.2
Wood for parts T225, C712 and G701 are sourced from an outside vendor. Determine the
sourcing requirements in number of board feet and weight in pounds for each part for: i) each
week of the Master Schedule, and ii) the total eight week portion of the Master Schedule.
Question 3 on the next page.
Question 3 (30 points)
In today’s competitive global marketplace, supply chain executives are actively concerned with
the resiliency of their supply chains. Stanford University Professor Hau Lee has coined the
phrase “The Triple A” supply chain [Agility; Adaptability and Alignment] as a framework to
understand supply chain operations. As the new hire in supply chain management, the supply
chain manager has tasked you with the preparation of a briefing memo on the how and the why
of the Triple A supply chain framework. Prepare a briefing memo in which you explain how the
Triple A framework relates to supply chain resiliency. Remember, managers do not like to read
voluminous pages of verbal discussion. Present key concepts using bulleted points and use short
paragraphs to support the key bulleted concepts.